Join York Collaborative Practice
Every day more separating spouses are turning to collaborative family law to guide them through the transition in a transparent and respectful manner. With York Collaborative Practice, you can start resolving conflict through a family-first approach, and join a community of members committed to achieving the same result.
Learn more about the benefits of being a member, as well as how to apply to the practice.

Upcoming Events and Workshops
Stay on top of collaborative-related training and events taking place within and beyond Ontario. Click on an item for further information. The listing of events and trainings on the website does not imply an endorsement by the OACP, except where indicated. The OACP does not regulate the delivery of programs.
[Training] Understanding And Screening For Dome...
This is an online course taking place over four (4) days with a variety of ways to take part and complete your CDR practitioner Accreditation. This training will take you...
[Training] Understanding And Screening For Dome...
This is an online course taking place over four (4) days with a variety of ways to take part and complete your CDR practitioner Accreditation. This training will take you...
Next Level Training – Leading Clients To The Co...
THE NEXT LEVEL Training Have you completed the Introductory Collaborative Practice Training but not opened as many cases as you would like ideally? Maybe you took the training a long...
Next Level Training – Leading Clients To The Co...
THE NEXT LEVEL Training Have you completed the Introductory Collaborative Practice Training but not opened as many cases as you would like ideally? Maybe you took the training a long...
Benefits of JoiningYork Collaborative Practice
Members get fully featured profiles on the website that promote their practice, and benefit from the increasing awareness of collaborative family law in York Region and beyond.
Members are invited to attend meetings and events with York Collaborative Practice. These reward you with valuable networking opportunities, and a chance to engage in problem solving discussions with other professionals that are committed to collaborative practice.
Members are offered a variety of training courses, study groups, and are invited to the annual conference run by the practice. Further education and training is available on our membership portal and email.
Requirements and Pricing
York Collaborative Practice has developed the following Membership Standards for Professionals, which reflect the Standards of the Ontario Association of Collaborative Professions.
The Complete Benefits of a Full Membership Include:
- Voting privileges in elections and general meetings
- Receiving notice of meetings of YCP, Study Groups, and continuing education programs and training
- Networking opportunities
- Use of a public profile on the website
- Eligibility to serve on the Board of Directors
- Blue Cross Health Benefits (New Members have 60 days from becoming a member to apply for coverage through the OACP)
Collapsible content
Collaborative Legal Professional Requirements
- Be a member in good standing of the Law Society of Upper Canada.
- Be a Barrister & Solicitor/Lawyer, LL. B. or J.D.
- Have completed Level 1 Collaborative Training (24 Hours) and must undertake to complete Level 2 Collaborative Training (16 Hours) within 18 months of becoming a member.
- Subscribe to the principles of collaborative practice.
- Have professional errors and omissions insurance coverage of at least $1 million.
- Have paid their required membership fees in full.
Collaborative Financial Professional Requirements
- Be a member in good standing of a recognized financial professional regulatory body.
- Have one or more of the following designations:
CPA – Chartered Professional Accountant
CA – Chartered Accountant
CGA – Certified General Accountant
CMA – Certified Management Accountant
CFP – Certified Financial Planner
Ch. F. C. – Chartered Financial Consultant
CLU – Chartered Life Underwriter
PFP – Personal Financial Planner
CFDS – Chartered Financial Divorce Specialist
CDFA – Certified Divorce Financial Analyst
FCIA – Fellow of the Canadian Institute of Actuaries
CBV – Chartered Business Valuator - Have completed Level 1 Collaborative Training (24 Hours) and must undertake to complete Level 2 Collaborative Training (16 Hours) within 18 months of becoming a member.
- Have completed a minimum of 16 hours of basic training in the fundamentals of family law, with a recommendation to complete 30 hours of family law training.
- Subscribe to the principles of collaborative practice.
- Have professional liability insurance of at least $1 million.
- Have paid their required membership fees in full.
Collaborative Family/Mental Health Professional Requirements
- Be a good member in good standing of a recognized mental health professional regulatory body and be recognized as a mental health professional under Ontario legislation (Regulated Health Professional Act, 1991; Regulated Health Professions Statute Law Amendment Act 2009; Social Work and Social Service Work Act, 1998 (Section 26) (Ontario Regulation 384/00); Psychotherapy Act 2007).
- Hold one of the following designations:
College of Psychologists of Ontario (CPO)- Registered Psychologist
Ontario College of Social Workers (OCSWSSW)
Canadian Association of Marriage and Family Therapy (CAMFT)
The College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario - Have completed level 1 Collaborative Training (24 Hours) and must undertake to complete Level 2 Collaborative Training (16 Hours) within 18 months of becoming a member.
- Have completed a minimum of 16 hours of basic training in the fundamentals of family law, with a recommendation to complete 30 hours of family law training.
- Have completed Domestic Violence training.
- Subscribe to the principles of collaborative practice.
- Have professional liability insurance of at least $1 million.
- Have paid their required membership fees in full.
Continuing Professional Development Requirements
Participating in collaborative practice requires a unique and ever-developing skill set. While the initial training provides a foundation to get started, there is a growing recognition in the collaborative community that ongoing training and interaction with other collaborative professionals is necessary in order to keep up with the latest developments in collaborative practice and to enhance our collaborative skills.
Members who are involved in such activities become better known to other members and are more likely to get more collaborative cases. Such participation demonstrates an ongoing commitment to collaborative practice and enables us to provide our clients with the best possible collaborative experience.
Notably, the Ontario Association of Collaborative professionals recommends additional training in interest-based negotiation skills beyond the basic membership criteria for all collaborative professionals. There is an expectation that members will continue to update their skills through further training and professional development on an annual basis. The Toronto Collaborative Practice and Collaborative Practice Durham Region groups have implemented such requirements.
Therefore, York Collaborative Practice has decided to implement ongoing membership requirements for Professional members, effective as of January 1, 2020. In order to renew your membership in 2020, Professional Members of York Collaborative Practice will be required to:
- Attend at least 1 York Collaborative Practice social event (AGM or holiday party);
- Complete at least 6 accredited hours of continuing education and training related to collaborative practice per year on a self-reporting basis; and
- In ever 2 year period, the continuing education and training must include attendance at either: 1 full day; or 2 half-day training sessions; and
Requirements 1 and 2 must be satisfied in the current year and each year thereafter.
Examples of activities that will satisfy the requirement to attend 1 York Collaborative Practice social event per year may include:
- Annual General Meeting
- The holiday party
- Summer Patio Series
Examples of activities that will satisfy the requirement to complete at least 6 accredited hours of continuing education and training related to collaborative practice per year are:
- Full-Day Training Session – 6.0 Hours
- Half-Day training session – 3.0 Hours
- Participation in YCP study group meetings – 1.5 Hours per meeting, to a maximum credit of 3 hours per year
- Attending a dinner meeting held by YCP or other collaborative groups which includes a speaker – 1 hour per dinner meeting, with a maximum credit of 2 hours per year
- Serving as a member of the YCP Board or a YCP Committee – Time spent, to a maximum credit of 3 hours per year
- Leading a YCP Study Group – 1.5 Hours for every hour of your presentation
Many collaborative trainings, as well as collaborative events with an educational component, will also count towards the CPD requirements of the Law Society of Upper Canada.
The Board of Directors of York Collaborative Practice will continue to work diligently to inform its members of professional training opportunities and to provide local training opportunities and education for its members.
Membership Fees
Membership Fees for different members are as follows:
- Annual Membership for Collaborative Lawyers: $310.75 ($275 + 13%HST)
- Annual Membership for Family and Financial Professionals: $197.75 ($175 + 13%HST)
HST Registration Number: 849605555
How to Join
Get Started:
- Download the application form.
- Fill out the form (keep a copy for yourself).
- Fax your completed form and credit card information, OR, mail your completed form and cheque.
Send Completed Form and Payment to:
37 Sandiford Dr Unit 205, Whitchurch-Stouffville, ON L4A 3Z2